Stegosaurus Spiky Reptile Silicone Dildo - Green



If you've ever found the spiked, bushy tail of a stegosaurus to be a turn on, or loved to hug a prickly, tall cactus, this spiky reptilian dildo is for you! It will treat you kinder than either the plant or creature mentioned, and add amazing new sensations while you explore its textured rod! It has a beautiful gold and teal color throughout the thick shaft. It tapers to a thinner, round tip for easier insertion. The base is round and covered in scales while the shaft itself has long, round-tipped spikes that point towards you as you impale yourself on this fantastically stimulating toy! Made out of premium, flexible, phthalate-free silicone, this dong is body-safe and best used with water-based lubricants only. Enjoy hands free rides due to the strong suction cup base! Invite a partner to indulge in kinky cosplay or fantasy roleplay and use their favorite harness to transform this dong into a strap-on!

You bask outside in the sun. It is a hot, summer day and there's no better place to be than on the banks of a river, your naked body resting on the hot, desert rocks under the midsummer sun, water droplets dripping from you as you dry off under the sun. Your hat shades your eyes and you let yourself melt under the heat as your muscles relax. You hiked out here, far from the trail, to get away from everyone. The only thing you hear is the trickle of water over stone and the occasional scratch of a lizard as it scurries across the rocks. You're feeling parched, so you lift the hat from you eyes and lift yourself up. It takes a moment to get used to the bright sun. As your eyes adjust you reach for your water bottle, blinded by the sun. As soon as your fingers touch it, you know it isn't your bottle. You immediately pull your hand away and recoil as the thing starts moving! You back off and look wildly around you, trying to figure out what you touched and where it is. Then you hear a loud, scratching sound. Claw marks are left on the stone where you were just laying down. As you spin around to leave, you come face to face with a spiked reptilian creature! It's eyes are gold and blue flecks, slits for pupils, and two flared nostrils meet you face to face. You swallow and freeze. Its body is covered in thick spikes and, when you squint, you see how it could easily camouflage as a tall cactus if it stood still and straight. It climbs on top of you and you whimper. Its tongue tastes your body, the flicking motion tickling your skin. You are very aware of how naked you are and can feel every spike and scale against your belly. It turns around, a complete 180 turn, and suddenly you're faced with a protruding, pulsing rod! You nearly scream as it begins to lick between your thighs. Will it eat you alive? You try to writhe and wiggle free, but its weight is so heavy it keeps your arms and legs pinned. Then its rod begins to ooze a golden, sticky secretion it drips onto your face and onto your mouth. It tastes like cactus juice, almost sweet but just a little bitter. Somehow, it quenches your thirst. What is happening to you? You feel yourself getting excited, feeling intoxicated on this golden liquid. It turns around again and you know what it wants. As it pushes into you, your fingers grab the rock and you bite your lip. You can feel every single spiky bump and it feels like a waterfall of pleasure in this dry desert as it penetrates you again and again

Strong suction cup base
Spiky texture for ultra stimulation
Premium silicone
Unique reptile design
Harness compatible
Phthalate free
Material: silicone

Overall length: 7.6" (19.30 cm)
Insertable length: 6" (15.24 cm)
Widest insertable diameter: 2.2" (5.59 cm)

En ("Tease & Please") nos comprometemos a garantizar que su pedido se envíe con la máxima discreción y cuidado. Esto es lo que necesita saber sobre nuestras prácticas de envío:

Envío discreto Su pedido llegará en un paquete sencillo y sin marcar, con una dirección de devolución etiquetada únicamente. Para mayor discreción, "Tez N Plz" también aparecerá en el resumen de su tarjeta de crédito. El nombre "" o "Tease & Please" no aparecerá en el paquete ni en el resumen de su tarjeta de crédito. Además, no enviamos catálogos ni materiales promocionales a su domicilio.

Embalaje Su pedido se enviará en una caja o sobre sencillo sin ningún tipo de publicidad externa. La dirección de devolución no incluirá el nombre de la marca para mantener su privacidad.

Política de devoluciones nacionales Los pedidos nacionales sin abrir que nos devuelvan por no poder entregarlos tendrán un costo mínimo de $35 por manipulación y un cargo por reposición del 25 %. El saldo restante se acreditará en su cuenta en forma de código de cupón para uso futuro. Debido a la naturaleza íntima de nuestros productos, no acepta devoluciones de productos bajo ninguna circunstancia.

Política de devoluciones internacionales Los pedidos internacionales sin abrir que nos devuelvan por no poder entregarlos tendrán un costo mínimo de $60 por manipulación y un cargo por reposición del 25 %. El saldo restante se acreditará en su cuenta en forma de código de cupón para uso futuro. Al igual que con los pedidos nacionales, no podemos aceptar devoluciones de productos bajo ninguna circunstancia.

Aduanas, aranceles e impuestos Los clientes internacionales son responsables de todos los aranceles, impuestos y tarifas aduaneras. Si se cargan estos cargos en nuestra cuenta de envío, se facturará el importe correspondiente a su tarjeta de crédito. Los gastos de envío o flete de los envíos devueltos también se facturarán a su cuenta.

Procesamiento de pedidos Todos los pedidos se procesan en el orden en que se reciben y, por lo general, se envían dentro de las 24 horas hábiles posteriores a la recepción. Tenga en cuenta que las transferencias y los pedidos grandes pueden requerir un tiempo de procesamiento adicional.

Valoramos su preferencia y nos esforzamos por ofrecer una experiencia de compra privada y sin inconvenientes para todos nuestros clientes. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre su pedido o nuestras políticas de envío, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros .

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